Ever wondered what teens like to do on a family vacation? Survey results show that the top 5 activities teens enjoy are: swimming (61%), waterparks (60%), theme parks (57%), waterslides, (56%), and Internet (47%).
With the help of marketing research firm, Ipsos Reid, tripcentral.ca polled 1,000 Canadian parents and 295 Canadian teens about their travel habits. The survey was conducted using a sophisticated online methodology*. The results are available on the tripcentral.ca website along with a summary presentation, infographic, and raw data counts highlighting provincial, gender, age, and other breakdowns.
About 73% of teens ages 13 to 19 who come from affluent families ($100,000 household income or more) say chose swimming as an activity they would enjoy. On the other hand, 65% of teens from families with household incomes of less than $40,000 rank theme parks high in their vacation wish list.
“You don’t need a survey to know that kids enjoy swimming on vacation. What we found surprising is that other activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and watching live shows didn’t rank as high,” says Richard Vanderlubbe, President of tripcentral.ca. “It’s not just about planning extravagant excursions, as long as the resort has a pool your kids will be happy. Apparently, they are much easier to please than we all thought.”